With over 12 years in SEO
We don’t teach law firms how to practice law—we focus on getting them cases, so they can stay focused on what matters.
We don’t teach law firms how to practice law—we focus on getting them cases, so they can stay focused on what matters.
We work with law firms of all sizes, from solo practitioners to large legal teams, helping them drive qualified leads, improve search rankings, and generate valuable cases. Our goal is to take the burden of marketing off their shoulders, so they can focus on what they do best—practicing law.
This heatmap represents Case Boost’s ability to target top search terms such as ‘Miami criminal attorney’ and ‘Miami criminal defense lawyer,’ showing how we help law firms appear at the top of search results. By doing so, we connect law firms with potential clients, generating more calls, website traffic, and ultimately more cases.
We ensure your listings are fully optimized and build consistent citations across all the key platforms.
You’ll be present everywhere your top competitors are—and in all the spots they’ve overlooked.
I have worked with Butrint from 2020 to 2023, where he trained many digital learning cohorts, helping the students becoming digital freelancers. Butrint is absolutely one of the best mentors I have ever worked with, he is personally committed, highly qualified and extremely focused on ensuring that his students reach their potential. I give him my highest recommendations.
Butrint managed a number SEO campaigns for a variety of different UK based clients working closely with the paid search team to ensure that his organic work aligned with the paid efforts Butrint is methodic, inteligent and pragmatic in his approach to all SEO work. Great to work with a friendly and open communicator. Highly recommend him to any team or business.
We move you away from outdated systems that lock you into their services, transferring your site to a fully owned WordPress platform. With this approach, you’ll have complete control and ownership of your website for the long term, giving you the freedom to make changes or move providers as you see fit.
We prioritize quality over quantity, focusing on clients who align with our vision of delivering outstanding service and driving rapid growth.
Our clients are true partners: we work swiftly, maintain open communication, and are fully dedicated to ensuring your firm rises to the top of search engine rankings.